Skirt Work Gets a Little Press – Seattle Weekly Voracious

Mucho thanks to Seattle Weekly Voracious blog and Julienne Perry for writing up a great little article about Skirt Work Crafts.   It was great fun sitting down and chatting about something I love about as much as food.  I am very proud of the momentum I have created with this new little project. It’s bittersweet that I must silence the foot of my sewing machine and don another set of shoes. Kitchen clogs.  This month I am going back into the kitchen to help open Vessel, an extraordinary cocktail bar reopening in June.  I am proud to be leading the food program there and look forward to getting creative with food once again, but I am not going to lie, the thought of having less time for sewing is sad.

Ill post progress on the opening, and the menu as it progresses.


Skirt Work does Smash Putt!!

This weekend was my birthday, I took time out from sewing to get a little crazy…and I took a few aprons with me.

SMASH PUTT!!! 2012 FINAL APOCOLYPSE– (and  Cameo’s Birthday Party, and Skirt Work Crafts Bartender Photoshoot)

Now knowing that hijinks and mayhem were sure to abound, I was armed with an apron or two.  After a round of “fercheustra” (Fernet, Chartreuse, & Angostura) no one was saying no when asked to sport an apron for the evening.  And the merriment began.

Smash Putt is part industrial art, part indie cool whiskey bar, part minature golf and lots of fun.  Put together by a group of VERY smart people. Each hole has a different theme, armed with lights, hydraulics, stuffed beavers, astro-turf, record players, and a working atari game.  It’s hip, nerdy, creative, artsy, and there is beer.

In a word or 3, Smash Putt is AWESOME! I kinda want to make out with a smash putt boy. Any man with a working knowlage of power tools and hydrolics…. I digress.

So, Without further adeu:


The Skirt Works Crafts – Use Me & Abuse Me Apron Photoshoot

It was a crazy night and I think I am still missing “Protect Your Nuts”

Thanks to:

Nathan Weber- Canon Seattle

Jim Romdall- Vessel

Anu Apte – Rob Roy

the hackers of Smash Putt and a couple people I really don’t know.